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How to Prepare Your Apartment Before Going on Vacation

How to Prepare Your Apartment

Vacations are exciting opportunities for fun and relaxation. Before leaving your apartment, taking a few steps to get it in order will help you achieve peace of mind knowing you’ll arrive back to a tidy, secure space. The more thorough your preparation, the more at ease you’ll feel as you head off for your trip. 

Follow this 11-part checklist before leaving on vacation to ensure you cover all your bases.

1. Inform Your Landlord

Check your lease for any clauses about a pre-vacation procedure that will let you know what your landlord expects when you take a vacation. 

If you don’t find a pre-vacation procedure in your lease, your landlord should at least know when you plan to leave and return. As the owner, they will appreciate knowing if the property will be unoccupied during this time. Your time away could also be a good opportunity to take care of maintenance tasks without inconveniencing you.

If you want to give anyone else access to the apartment while you’re away, get your landlord’s permission first out of courtesy. Also, let them know how they can contact you while you’re away. If you are out of reach or taking a break from your phone and email, give them a heads-up about your limited access to these channels during your vacation.

2. Talk to Your Neighbors

If you live in a close-knit rental community, getting to know your neighbors can be beneficial when you’re going out of town. With good neighborly relationships, you can keep an eye on one another’s apartments when one of you goes on vacation. This is just one of the ways that social connectedness makes communities safer from crime.

If you have a neighbor you know and trust, talk to them about your travel plans before you go. Ask them to check on your home now and then. Depending on your relationship with them and their availability, you could request they do the following:

  • Keep a look out for any suspicious activity
  • Collect deliveries you’re expecting on your behalf
  • Care for pets or plant
  • Look after your car

Exchange contact details so they can let you know about anything concerning. If you want to go off the grid, give them a friend or family’s contact information in case an emergency or incident takes place. 

Remember to thank them again when you return and look for opportunities to return the favor!

3. Clean Your Apartment

Arriving home to a clean apartment after a trip will make the post-vacation blues more manageable. You can return and enjoy a pleasant space with minimal chores awaiting you.

Clean Your Apartment

Here’s your essential cleaning checklist to prep your apartment for vacation:

  • Fridge: If you have any perishables in your fridge, give them away or throw them out to prevent spoilage. Consider stocking some nonperishable ingredients for a quick-fix meal to enjoy when you arrive home.
  • Trash: Empty all your trash cans before you go. Kitchen waste is the most urgent to clear, but your future self will be grateful if you take out the recycling, too. While you’re focused on cleaning up your kitchen, clean the sink trap, pour vinegar down the garbage disposal and wipe down your counters.
  • Laundry: You’ll probably come home with dirty vacation laundry. Make your life easier by emptying your hamper now and washing dirty clothes, towels and linens.
  • Bed: Make your bed with fresh sheets and blankets — it will make your first night back in your space feel that much better.
  • Dishes: Wash any dirty dishes before you leave. Grab a bite on the road the day you leave to save yourself the last-minute washing-up.
  • Bathroom: Protect your bathroom from mold and mildew during your vacation. Wipe down all bathroom surfaces, remove lingering water from the shower and tub with a squeegee and spread out your shower curtain all the way, leaving no bunching or folds. While you’re in there, clean and scrub your toilet. Follow these basic bathroom cleaning tips to find a fresh bathroom waiting for you when you get home.
  • Floors and surfaces: Make time to vacuum, dust, mop and wipe down any surfaces to limit any buildup of dust or grime. You’ll thank yourself later!
  • Clutter: Pack away or discard any clutter lying around. You’ll reap the reward of a tidy, harmonious home ready to welcome you back.

4. Arrange Pet Care

Unless you’re taking your pet along on your trip, planning for care is one of an owner’s most important things to do before leaving for vacation. You have two primary ways to make sure your pet is in good hands.

Pet Sitting

The most affordable solution is to get a friend, family member or freelance pet sitter to look after your pet. Give them detailed instructions to ensure they cover all your animal friend’s requirements. 

Create a printed or digital list with everything they need to know, including:

  • What and when your pet eats.
  • Medications with dosage instructions.
  • Play, exercise and grooming needs.
  • Vet contact details.

You never want your pet to be home alone for extended periods, so having a sitter take your pet to their residence is always best.

If you have fish, an automated feeder and tank cleaner can ensure your pets are taken care of throughout your trip without needing a friend or sitter to access your apartment while you are away. 


If you prefer your pet to have professional, full-day care, you could book them into a kennel or other boarding facility. If you don’t have a go-to kennel yet, ask your vet, search pet owners’ forums and check reviews to find a reliable option. 

Visit the boarding location before you leave for your trip. Check the facilities and find out what your pet’s daily routine would be like. Ensure your pet will have a comfortable sleeping area, and ask about supervision during playtime. Pay attention to your gut — do you feel comfortable trusting these folks with your pet?

As with the pet-sitting option, ensure the staff knows about special dietary or medical needs. Drop off a supply of your pet’s preferred food to ensure they maintain a good diet while you’re away.

5. Plan Plant Care

Taking Care of Plants

Although they’re a little lower maintenance than pets, it will take some planning to ensure your plants flourish during your vacation. Ask someone you trust to come by and water them as needed. Send them a list of all your plants, explaining how much and how often to water each. Alternatively, you could look into self-watering planter systems if you have the room in your budget.

Think about each plant’s light needs, too. Some may prefer more light than others. If your sitter can commit to moving plants around to meet their optimal lighting needs, that’s ideal. To keep things simple, just place them all somewhere with enough shade and sunlight to prevent scorching. 

Remember to water and position them before you go!

6. Attend to Utilities

Take some pre-vacation precautions with utilities and appliances to keep your apartment safe. Here’s your utility checklist before vacation day comes:

  • Unplug electronics: Unplug anything you can, especially devices like your toaster, coffee pot, microwave, chargers, computers and entertainment systems. Check that anything you’re leaving plugged in is connected to a surge protector. Unplugging devices improves your home’s fire safety and energy efficiency while you’re away.
  • Turn off water: If you go away for a week or more, you may want to turn off your main water supply. If this is a shorter trip or you prefer to leave the mains on, you can minimize the risk of leaks by turning off the valves of your washing machine, dishwasher and toilets. Check taps for leaks and address them with your landlord before you go.
  • Turn off lights: You may want to leave a single light illuminated in your space while you’re gone to deter potential crime — ensure the bulb remains cool during extended use. Turn off all other lights to save electricity costs and boost safety.
  • Adjust the thermostat: Spare your utility bill by letting your thermostat sit nearer the external temperature. Leaving your apartment slightly warmer in summer or colder in winter than you’d usually set it could make a real difference to your budget, especially if this is a longer vacation. If the forecast looks mild, you could even turn your HVAC system off. Keep any pets and plants in mind if temperatures are harsher. 

7. Secure Your Home

Use these key measures to protect your apartment while on vacation:

  • Lock doors and windows: When you leave, lock your apartment’s entry points, including all doors and windows. 
  • Lock storage: If your apartment has a separate storage unit, make sure to lock that up, too.
  • Secure valuables: Put valuable items out of sight. If possible, lock your most expensive possessions in a safe.
  • Tell a neighbor: Inform a trusted neighbor of your travel plans. Ask them to monitor your place and contact security if they notice anything suspicious.
  • Notify security: Let your security or alarm company know about your vacation dates. If they know you’re out of town and possibly out of reach, they can respond appropriately if an alarm goes off or they become aware of any suspicious activity in your area. Give them the details of anyone you plan to allow into your apartment while you’re away to prevent potential misunderstandings.
  • Set light timers: A light timing system is a handy security solution. You can program your lights to turn on and off at set times or randomize them to create the impression that people are home and discourage would-be burglars.
  • Close blinds: This may not be an option if you have plants that need light. But if possible, close your blinds to prevent prying eyes from looking in at your possessions.

Always consider apartment security before vacation starts so you can unwind without worrying about it while you’re away. 

8. Prepare for Mail

One aspect of protecting your apartment while you’re away is keeping your absence from becoming obvious. Request a mail hold from your local post office to prevent mail from piling up outside your door so nothing goes missing, and your absence stays discreet. 

Complete a form on the post office’s website with your address and the dates you need them to hold your mail. They can keep letters, papers and parcels safe until you return to collect them. You may be able to suspend your newspaper subscriptions and delivery dates, too.

If you prefer, you could ask a trusted neighbor to look out for mail and deliveries. If your post box starts filling up with letters or any packages arrive for you, ask your neighbor to collect these on your behalf and keep them until you return.

9. Automate Payments

Keep yourself in the green financially while you’re away by automating your payments. This allows you to keep your accounts up to date and avoid service interruptions or late fees without spending precious vacation time paying bills. Payments you may want to automate include:

Automatic Payments
  • Rent
  • Utilities
  • Subscriptions
  • Credit cards and store accounts

If you prefer manual payments, consider paying your bills early to free up more vacation time for fun and relaxation.

10. Manage Parking

If you have one car and it’s your travel vehicle for this vacation, or if you have a secure, dedicated parking space assigned to you, you can skip this step. If leaving a car behind in an open area, you have a few alternatives to keep your vehicle safe from the elements and crime, like:

  • Asking a friend to babysit your car.
  • Leaving your car at the airport if you’re flying.
  • Renting a private garage space.

Leaving your car with a friend, family member or neighbor is the most affordable solution. But only choose it if you have someone you know you can trust.

If your apartment building has a shared secure parking area, you could leave your car there but move it to a less sought-after space to be considerate of your neighbors.

11. Ensure You Have Renters Insurance

If you don’t yet have renters insurance, consider taking out some coverage before going on vacation. 

Renters insurance protects your belongings whether you take them along or leave them behind, so you can worry less about your possessions and focus on having a fantastic trip. Insurance can also include liability coverage if you unintentionally hurt someone or damage their property, even while away from home.

Reviewing your policy before heading off on your trip is key to ensuring you understand your coverage and are up to date. If you have any questions, reach out to your insurance provider and inquire about travel considerations.

Make Yourself at Home

Make Yourself at Home With Triple Crown Corporation

Now you know how to prepare your apartment before vacation and can enjoy greater peace of mind during your next trip. Wherever your adventures take you, returning to a place you love and feels like home is important. If you’re looking for a fantastic rental community in Pennsylvania, check out what Triple Crown Corporation has to offer. We have various options to suit your lifestyle. 

Explore our rental communities across Pennsylvania to find the right apartment or house for you. If you have questions about our homes, contact our friendly team to learn more.