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Organization and Storage Tips for Your Apartment Bathroom

Organization and Storage Tips

A well-organized bathroom with ample storage is calm and comfortable. However, apartments have shrunk by around 50 square feet in the last decade, and bathrooms are often the smallest rooms, presenting unique challenges for storage. If you’re renting your home, these challenges become even more delicate because you have the owner’s boundaries to consider. The good news is that a few simple tips can help you multiply your bathroom’s storage space. This guide will explain the four-stage process you need to maximize bathroom space, even in the coziest rental apartment.

1. Prepare Yourself and Your Space

Before strapping on your toolbelt, slip on your thinking cap to reflect on what you want and what you have to work with. Take these steps as you prepare to organize your bathroom:

  • Declutter your bathroom: Bathrooms excel at accumulating excess products. Simplify your reorganization process by clearing out anything you don’t need. If you haven’t used your old makeup, hair accessories or sample-sized toiletries in a few months, you can probably donate or discard them without missing them. The less clutter you have, the less storage space you’ll need to find.
  • Measure your space: Knowing your bathroom’s dimensions is essential to choosing the right storage supplies. Use a tape measure and take careful note of your floor dimensions, wall space, cabinet area and any other storage spaces you could fill. 
  • Consider your needs: Your bathroom organization system should reflect your lifestyle. If you have an extensive skincare routine, you may need to dedicate a full shelf or drawer to these products. If you love hosting guests, you’ll want a cabinet for extra towels and linens. While you can draw inspiration from bathrooms you see online, a functional bathroom is one that serves you. Of course, if you’re sharing a bathroom with someone else, this step may involve some extra conversations.
  • Remember your landlord: You have abundant options to reorganize your bathroom without lasting changes or potential damage to the room. These renter-friendly storage solutions include removable adhesive hooks and drawer dividers. If you’re considering more significant bathroom improvements, check your lease and consult your landlord before going forward. 

2. Get Creative With Storage

Once you’re aware of your needs, the space you have available and the kinds of changes you can make while complying with your lease, you’re ready to unleash your bathroom organization hacks. Try these bathroom storage ideas to get the most out of your space. 

Organize Your Cabinets

Almost every apartment bathroom comes with an under-sink cabinet. This built-in storage space can go a long way if you protect it from clutter. You can achieve this by compartmentalizing with stackable baskets and shelf risers. You can also add tension rods to hang grooming tools and products. If you have the floor space, you can consider adding extra stand-alone cabinets. If not, introduce segments and levels to the cabinet space you have to maximize it. 

Divide Drawers

Like cabinets, the key with drawers is to add structures to help you find what you need and use the space efficiently. If you have multiple drawers, assign each one a purpose. You may have a skincare and makeup drawer and a separate one for hair products. However many drawers you have, you can see them more effectively by adding drawer dividers and small containers. You can also buy mini drawer sets to add layers of storage to any open countertop or ledge space in your bathroom.

Use Wall Space

Use Wall Space

Your bathroom walls could have plenty of untapped potential for storage. Renters often count this space out to avoid putting holes in the wall. However, you might be surprised by the renter-friendly storage solutions available to you. You can find no-drill adhesive floating shelves, towel racks, shower caddies, and hooks for hanging bathrobes and towels. You can also consider an over-the-door organizer, which hangs down from the top of your bathroom door and comes with little shelves and sometimes hooks for storage. Another option is over-the-toilet storage. Explore standing shelves designed to stand behind and above the toilet for vertical storage.

3. Express Your Style

When you’re working out a small bathroom storage system, it can feel like necessity is driving all your decisions. Luckily, even a snug apartment bathroom offers some room to inject your personal style. Try these tips to add a personal touch to your space-efficient bathroom:

  • Stylize your storage: From rustic wicker baskets to minimalist glass jars, the storage containers you use to organize your space can help create your signature aesthetic.
  • Coordinate your colors: Choose a harmonious color scheme to coordinate your storage solutions, your shower curtain and your bath towels. Incorporating lighter shades like off-white and pastels into your scheme can make your bathroom feel more spacious. 
  • Dabble in decor: Potted plants, candles and ornaments can bring a lot of personality to your bathroom without using much space. Consider adding a photograph or painting using an adhesive hook to liven up open wall space. 

4. Maintain Order

Once you’ve decluttered your bathroom, laid out an efficient storage system and introduced some style, the challenge is to maintain the order you’ve created. Follow these tips to keep your bathroom organized:

  • Schedule a cleaning routine: Schedule a weekly bathroom clean. A routine clean includes scrubbing surfaces, discarding empty or unused products, and returning any clutter to its rightful place. If you notice any mildew beginning to form in your bathroom, tackle it right away to prevent spreading.
  • Keep essentials accessible: Items you use every day, like your toothbrush and facial cleanser, should always be easy to reach. When you can access these items without moving anything else, it’s easier to keep your bathroom tidy. 
  • Stay adaptable: Over time, you may find aspects of your organization system that could work better for you. You may also need to accommodate new items or just want a change. Remember that your storage system is there to serve you, and you can feel free to change it whenever you like.

Make Yourself at Home With Triple Crown Corporation Rental Communities

Sometimes, reorganizing your bathroom is all it takes to make your space feel new. Other times, you may need more of a fresh start. If you want to rent a stylish apartment in Pennsylvania or Maryland, explore Triple Crown Corporation’s rental communities

Triple Crown Corporation provides high-quality rentals in Pennsylvania and Maryland, earning multiple awards over more than 30 years for our excellence in rental real estate. Our apartments are located in desirable neighborhoods, accommodate a wide range of lifestyles and include luxurious bathrooms that you can make your own with the apartment bathroom organization tips in this guide.

Contact us today to learn more about rental communities for a harmonious lifestyle.

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